Sunday, 13 February 2022

BIKING BIRDER VI 2022 - 5th February Gloucester and on. GALES and RAIN!!!!!


Donations : Acorns 

Many thanks to . . . 

Alison Everett, Bill Unwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Anonymous, Lindsey Barthorpe, Julie, Sue, Julie (Upton Warren), Ian "Seagulls" Morris, Larraine Tayleure, Andrew Bayes, Andy Pitt,Andrea, P & P, Moira, Jackie Griffiths, Bob, Keep U, Rosie, Jayne Grosvenor, Jane & Andy Revell, Louise, Stuart Griffiths, M & D Shaw, Dave & Sue White, Janette Lowndes, Bart, Lise Hanson, Maria Hill, Phil V, Chris Elmer, Sue Murphy, Nicky, John Hague, Mike, Kimberley Bills, Norma Hines, Rob Gilbert, Julia, Colin Graham, Sarah Moreton, Lizzy, Lisa Hillier, Rob Leech, &P.

And also many thanks to the person from Llandudno who sent money directly to Acorns Children's Hospice, stating 'The Biking Birder' in the letter. Brilliant! Thanks. 

Acorns Children's Hospice 

Total so far . . . 

£870 plus gift aid


Pin badges are available from me as I cycle and bird along.

Stop me and BUY ONE!

or ten.

Donations : RSPB 

Many thanks to . . . 

Bill Unwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Julia, Nicky M, Karen and Richard Blackburn, Paul Moseley, Susan, Jim Royer, Anonymous, Foz, anonymous, Phil (Upton Warren), Dad and RSPB Badges sold, P & P, Moira, Jill from Dorking, Nicky M, Terri Akers, Anne Beckett, Maria Hill, Mark Carter, P

Gary's RSPB Justgiving page link

Total so far . . . 

£476 plus gift aid


4th February 2022         Towards Bristol

          On the road again, the weather starts off fine, except for a sharp, cold south westerly wind. I soon reach Gloucester Cathedral and start to circumnavigate the beautiful structure, searching for a reported Black Redstart.

          No sign of the Black Redstart, a Robin is a s close as I get to one, a flying kite causes me to look twice!

          With no luck finding the Redstart, I head off towards Gloucester Docks and am delighted to see a barge named Peru. Paddington is thrilled too.

          The wind is strengthening and rain begins to fall. It is going to be a tough day! Cycling into a gale is never fun. It is even less fun when I make a right angle turn on the small chipped gravel cycle path. Being hit by the strong wind being deflected by the adjacent apartments, I go flying off the bike and land on my back laughing!

          After three or so miles cycling along the Gloucester ship canal south, the good surface is replaced by mud and after a half mile or so, I decide to take the main A38 instead.
          I had wanted to call in at Slimbridge WWT visitors centre for a couple of hours but the gale is going to prevent me from doing so. I just won't have the time. Seems strange to cycle past the road leading down to one of my favourite birding places.
          As I push the bike up a not too steep incline, one I would in less visious weather take in my stride, I notice a small cuddly toy and pick her up. 
Finding toys in the road gutter, I always think of Jessie in Toy Story. . .

          She'll clean up and Paddington with have a new girlfriend on the front of the bike.
          Arrival at The Jays Guest House on the north side of Bristol can't come soon enough but I eventually arrive and collapse!

          Wonder why I chose this Guest House?


Charity Pledges 

These are the names of people who have made a pledge to pay so much per bird species seen at the end of the year to either one of the charities I am supporting or to both.

Lee Dark, Mary & Brian Prescott, Joshua Prescott, Rebecca Prescott and Les Oxley-Stoker, Donna Prescott. 

Massive thanks to everyone who has either made a donation or made a pledge.


If anyone would like to make a pledge, say 1p for every bird specie I see this year, with the thought that I think I will see around 280-90 different species, then please message me. It would be fabulous to hear from you. Thanks.


If anyone would like to message me then do so via Facebook messenger :

My email address is :

Twitter : Biking Birder - Gary Prescott  



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Biking Birder I February 18th 2010

  18th February 2010  Windy Miller  Camberwick Green   Out to Garston Wood in Wiltshire, reached via the back roads through rain varying...