Thursday, 24 March 2022



In these times of soaring costs of living, I feel we all need to show that we can help each other through the horrific times ahead. One thing that was so noticeable from that moment two years ago when the Lockdown started, was the tremendous surge in community, the charge of people who went out of their way to help others.

Do you remember the mass of people who signed up to help? Be that in delivering food to the vulnerable, assisting at food banks and the like, there was aseemingly never ending procession of stories of people showing what we all need now, let alone back then - community.

My own way of doing something is indulgent because I do love my cycling and birding. I love seeing people smile or laugh at my tie, yellow wellies and 'friends' on my bike. In a small way I hope that I help people.

The other way of course is by asking you to donate to the charities I am supporting this year and thanks to each and every one of you who has already done so.

Please give a little something and make my day!


Donations : Acorns 

Many thanks to . . . 

Helen Hawke, Hollins Green Village Shop ladies, Shanahans Guest House in Aston, Birmingham, Sandi of Littledean Hotel in Cinderford, Beth Howells, Stuart Green, Judith Geraghty, Brenda Campbell, Paul Moseley, Alison Everett, Bill Urwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Anonymous, Lindsey Barthorpe, Julie, Sue, Julie (Upton Warren), Ian "Seagulls" Morris, Larraine Tayleure, Andrew Bayes, Andy Pitt,Andrea, P & P, Moira, Jackie Griffiths, Bob, Keep U, Rosie, Jayne Grosvenor, Jane & Andy Revell, Louise, Stuart Griffiths, M & D Shaw, Dave & Sue White, Janette Lowndes, Bart, Lise Hanson, Maria Hill, Phil V, Chris Elmer, Sue Murphy, Nicky, John Hague, Mike, Kimberley Bills, Norma Hines, Rob Gilbert, Julia, Colin Graham, Sarah Moreton, Lizzy, Lisa Hillier, Rob Leech, P & P.

And also many thanks to the person from Llandudno who sent money directly to Acorns Children's Hospice, stating 'The Biking Birder' in the letter. Brilliant! Thanks. 

Acorns Children's Hospice 

Total so far . . . 

£1,185 plus gift aid


Donations : RSPB 

Many thanks to . . . 

P & P (again!). Anne, David Hilliard, Oriel, Louise Bailey, Sandi of Littledean Hotel in Cinderford, Stuart Green, Judith Geraghty, Lynn, Bill Urwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Julia, Nicky M, Karen and Richard Blackburn, Paul Moseley, Susan, Jim Royer, Anonymous, Foz, anonymous, Phil (Upton Warren), Dad and RSPB Badges sold, P & P, Moira, Jill from Dorking, Nicky M, Terri Akers, Anne Beckett, Maria Hill, Mark Carter, P

Gary's RSPB Justgiving page link

Total so far . . . 

£728 plus gift aid



          Did you know that there is a better way to do your internet searches? PLEASE use ECOSIA!

Ecosia plant trees using the revenue from you carrying out internet searches. At the time of typing this, a tree is planted somewhere in the world for every 45 internet searches you do.

I have been doing all my internet searches via ECOSIA for three years. I also open every webpage I wish to access by doing an internet search using ECOSIA. With my homepage being set up to ECOSIA, I type in the name of the webpage I wish to access and click, there I am with another search recorded.

          This is my homepage. Note the 22,583 searches! Notice how many trees they have plated since its inception ...   145,576,0006 trees. I do love seeing the number go up. At the moment the rate of tree planting is around one every second.

          Now the number one internet search engine is Google (Boo. Hiss!). There are 8.5 billion internet searches carried out on Google every day (Boo. Hiss!) . . . 8,500,000,000. 

          99,000 searches a second!

          How fabulous it would be to see that figure transferred to an internet search engine that plants trees! ECOSIA (Hurrah!!!)

          99,000 searches using ECOSIA would equate to 2,200 trees being planted every second. Imagine that!

                        Click here for ECOSIA

          The ECOSIA webpage gives links to ECOSIA tree planting projects around the World.

          This webpage gives details of many of the countries and projects where trees are being planted by ECOSIA :

          Access the webpage and take a look for yourselves.

          There are also details of privacy, monthly financial statements, they are non profit and carbon negative . . . 


We put people and planet before profit

  1. We’re a not-for-profit business

    We dedicate 100% of our profits to climate action, with at least 80% financing tree-planting projects.

  2. Ecosia is powered by 200% renewable energy

    Our solar panels produce twice the amount of energy needed to power all searches with renewables.

  3. We always put your privacy first

    We anonymize your searches and don’t create a profile of you. We’re interested in trees, not your data.

  4. We are transparent about everything we do

    We publish detailed financial reports and frequent updates from our tree planting projects.

BIKING BIRDER VI 2022 Green Birding Badges are still available!


A wonderful individual, Paul Herrieven has produced a special Green Birding badge and ALL the proceeds from the badge will be going to either the RSPB or to a fabulous Children's Hospice in Birmingham, my home city, called ACORNS.

The badges cost £3 plus post and packing.

If you meet me during the year, as I cycle my way towards the European BIGBY (Big Green Big Year) bird listing record, I will have them with me so stop me and buy one!

The RSPB are helping me to promote the badge sales and I do so hope that you will love one and buy one (or more!).

Green Birding to me isn't just cycling, no matter that the Green Woodpecker prefers to Green Bird this way, it is walking, kayaking, packrafting, skiing, running and horse riding.
Watching birds in your garden or local park is Green Birding so I hope you can see everyone can be a Green Birder.
All the very best to you all,
Gary, aka The Biking Birder

Get one (or more) here :

Monday, 21 March 2022

BIKING BIRDER VI March 14th Cycle to The Wyre Forest, Worcestershire


          On the road again early doors, it is foggy and cold. The aim of the day is to see Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in an old patch of mine from the 1980s, The Wyre Forest west of Bewdley, Worcestershire.

          The route takes me through the village of Belbroughton and I take a road towards Worcester to a lane just outside Kidderminster, where Corn Buntings have been seen.

          Foggy and cold, no sound from any Corn Buntings and no views either, I carry on twards Bewdley as the sun begins to birn off the haze.

          Taking a cycle path to avoid the busy roads of Kidderminster, I stop for a natter with a dog walker and a Chiff Chaff starts singing nearby, bird number 137 for the BIGBY list.

          Cycling along the riverbank of the River Severn north of Bewdley, I come across another Chiff Chaff chiffing his head off!


           After waiting at the wrong place to meet a local birder and friend, Craig Reed, I find him along the old railway line and together we search the forest for the target bird.

          Actually we hear one almost immediately but seeing the little blighter proves difficult and in the four hours or so that we walk around the forest, we only get a view of one flying through the Oak canopy. Still having seen it and heard it, onto the BIGBY bird list Lesser Spotted Woodpecker goes with the hope of better views on another day.

Biking Birder I February 18th 2010

  18th February 2010  Windy Miller  Camberwick Green   Out to Garston Wood in Wiltshire, reached via the back roads through rain varying...