Saturday, 9 September 2017

A Rather Diverse Day.

What a contrast in fortunes today. Lesson learnt so far . . . spontaneity will not get me far this year. 

Once again I was denied access to a train; the train from Glasgow that would take me to Oban wouldn't let me on without a reservation. How do you get a reservation . . . oh, you can't, you have to book at least two hours before the train's departure. As that was at 7:15 a.m. this morning there was no way that i could reserve a bike place on the train. Oh well . . .
Missed that train and therefore missed the ferry from Oban to Barra to see the 'still there' American Redstart.

Everything was going so delightfully well before then too. A wonderful Norwegian lady, Hanne, had been superb company from Edinburgh to Glasgow. Hanne talked passionately about Shakespeare and the evidence that Our Bill didn't write any of the plays, sonnets and poems. Interesting, Hanne gave some references and names to look up in order to peruse some of the evidence and current thinking on the matter.
Separated by a bike not being allowed on the next train as mentioned, I find eventually the ticket office and get some help from the train conductor who had denied me access in getting on the next train. The next train to Oban wouldn't be leaving though for another two hours.
The bike is stowed onto that train and as I am not allowed to sit on it until five minutes before it leaves I walk out of the station to explore a bit and get some Boots sandwiches.
Sandwich, snack and drink for £3.39, I get two lots and sit with a homeless woman, Marianne, giving her the choice over which she prefers from my Boots selection. Apparently she only gets £34 every two weeks to live on and therefore a life of sitting on the street is her only opportunity of getting enough to live. She hasn't a bed for tonight but a couple arrive to help her and I leave her with them to discuss what bed can be fund for tonight.
Back to the station, I sit with two ladies waiting for a train to .......

Interrupted by phone call about Adam's plane crash!!!! Puts my problem over missing a ferry into perspective. Thankfully everyone got out alive . . . . .

The two ladies, oh yes, two ladies who had just returned from Gracelands . . . .

Oh now it is the emotion of just hearing the last commentary by Henry 'Blowers' Blofeld on Test Match Special. Another very special man and a wonderful character leaves. It feels like the day Richie Benaud did the same. Tears maybe due to Blowers having gone but also from the incredible close shave that Adam has survived from.

The two ladies talk about their love for Elvis and how they are now on their way to a caravan holiday in Great Yarmouth.

What a day!

Onto the train to Oban at last, I am joined by nine lads on a stag day celebration for the marriage of their mate, Gary. A couple of hours of beers, chat and fun with magnificent views of the World's best country as the train goes beside the Clyde and around to Loch Lomond.

Thanks Gary, Colin, Zander (!), Alan, Paul, another Gary (what three Garys together?), John, Brian and Mark. Brilliant!

Any ladies reading this watch out for the costume that the soon to be married Gary has to wear whilst cruising down Loch Lomond with his mates!

In my solitude after their departure I am joined by the girl who wheels a refreshments trolley up and down the train. She has two interesting tattoos on her arms and talks about her passion for more of them. A young woman with beautiful green eyes, she talks of her dream to have a holiday in Greece. 

We are joined by a young cyclist who now lives in Oban.

Into Oban at last, the weather is beautiful and I go to take some photographs of the bay and the views across to Mull.

The camera's broken! It won't open. Just a black screen. Oh well. Compared to Adam's experience a camera broken and missing a ferry is nothing.
Just to complete an interesting day , . .
Engand have beaten the West Indies at Lords. They win the series and we can go to Australia with two series wins this summer.
Now listening to Blower's walk around the Lord's ground to a standing ovation. Wonderful.

Is life diverse?

March 13th 2025 A Normal Day for The Biking Birder Thursday Part One - Early Morning Garden Birdwatch

            So how does The Biking Birder, patiently waiting for the starting day for his next new Biking Birder, spend a typical Thursday? ...