Monday, 28 November 2016

On the road again . . Five weeks to Go.

Sunday 27th November Almost no wind

drizzle, cool, 4C

On the road again in the afternoon after four lovely rest days with my daughter, Rebecca and her partner Les in Newcastle.
Yesterday Rebecca and I went to Tynemouth market which takes over some of the platforms in the station. Stall after stall with the usual variety of home businesses ware with arty-crafty things and more usual market stall stuff, books and DVDs. It is so enjoyable going around and being part of the 'usual things people do' world again.

A stall has framed Amazonian insects amongst the mass of bric-a-brac. Shame for such fantastically beautiful creatures to be harvested for such display.

One stall has feathers framed, each delicate feather has a superbly detailed painting on it, birds, mammals on others even a bumble bee! The artist, Imogen Clarke, chats for a moment and gives me a business card; Dusty Souls Art. Imogen describes herself on the card as a portrait artist and she certainly has talent.

Moving on, there's a stall where two excited young people are taking bookings for what they say is a Live Escape game, Pirate Escape – Whitley Bay. I am attracted to the stall by a large, metal scarlet macaw.

Sounds fun.

One stall has Balinese artefacts and I think about how easy it is to get such creations from all over the world these days.

Leaving the market Rebecca and I walk to the seafront where people are enjoying the Winter sunshine and lack of wind.

The evening is spent with a takeaway and a film, Inception. Perfect.


The thrill of meeting Les' parents, Carol and Lance this morning; a sign of commitment in Rebecca's and Les' relationship. All one wants for one's daughter is happiness and it seems so obvious that Rebecca and Les are so happy together.
An hour or so spent talking with a couple who radiate sunshine; another pair made for each other.

Packed and ready to be on the road again, the road through Gateshead and Chester Le Street has a cycle path either as part of the road or as a separate entity that keeps me safe from the busy traffic. If only this was the case everywhere. If it was then there would be so many more cyclists. beech
Past Durham Hospital a cloud of bramblings fly from the leaf litter below some tall beech trees.

Into Durham after a steep downhill dive and then a push up the eastern side of the cathedral city to find tonight's Bed & Breakfast, Gilesgate Moor Hotel, a public house, cheap and cheerful place with a bed one simply sinks into. Smashing.

16.91 miles 958 elevation feet up 764 down

1 comment:

  1. Great to meet you and thanks for the shout out! Be safe on your travels and happy biking!


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