Wednesday, 30 November 2016

What?! Another Day Off! I Thought you were THE Biking Birder!

Wednesday 30th November

So the end of another month, number 23 on the Biking Birder tour and the beginning of day 700! With 6.500 miles cycled this year so far I am going to enjoy another day off and explore York. I have only had one new bird for the year list this month; the white-billed diver off North Ronaldsay. There is another bird available about fifty miles away, pallid harrier near Spurn and that will be the direction I take tomorrow. York Minster and the Jorvik museum, I haven't been to them since the children were small.

Now there has been a lack of birds in my life recently. Winter thrushes occasionally whilst cycling and a few treecreepers from the window of the youth hostel dormitory yesterday isn't a large amount of birds but needs must. I need to get the distance covered.

When cycling one of my strategies to keep the negative voice at bay is to consider a route to bird when I return to Peru in April next year. >>>>>>

Let's dream together ….............

Lima, San Isidro Park and the pier at Miraflores

Long-tailed mockingbirds

Saffron finches

Vermilion flycatchers

Amazilian hummingbird

House wren

and the ubiquitous rufous-collared sparrow

Inca terns

Franklin's gulls

Blackish oystercatcher

A ride down to Los Pantanos de Villa

Black vulture

Great grebe

Multi-coloured rush tyrant

Peruvian meadowlark

Peruvian thick-knee

Burrowing owl

Pied-billed grebe

Black skimmer

Think I will dream of The Paracas and Ballestros Islands later!

Have a wonderful day, wherever you are – and please remember only 31 donating days until I finish! Thanks.

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