Thursday, 10 March 2016

A Day off then off to Kings Lynn.

Sunday 6th March fresh N Cloudy and cold

Time to head off for Lincolnshire. I feel a little light-headed after such a late night drinking brandy and red wine, very rare for me to do so, with a great group of Spaniards. Why is it that Spanish people have these times when friends, couple and families get together on a holiday somewhere? In Peru it was the same, wonderful to be taken in as a new friend and share the laughter and comraderie. Another similarity was the way the ladies retired whilst the men carried on until the early hours.

Another barn owl, the route today is inland to cut the north west corner and I reach Wolferton for another attempt for the golden pheasant. Yes I know that the best chance of seeing it is at 7:00am but at the moment I feel too tired to camp there. I will camp later in the year if I don't get it today.
I don't!

Instead I see a couple of green woodpeckers and explore Dersingham Heath hoping for woodlarks. They haven't returned yet so that's another reason to be here again in May.

So the year list is still at 180, which is twenty four ahead of this time last year.

29.58 Miles 1318 feet elevation up 1308 feet elevation down

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