Lost iPhone and a defunct laptop, last week was problematical!
New mobile phone, new laptop - now to catch up with my look back at my first ever Biking Birder adventure.
13th February
Woodman, Woodman Spare That Tree
Off to Brading Marsh RSPB Reserve to
meet the warden, Chris. We circumnavigated the reserve clockwise viewing over
large areas of wet grassland with occasional large pools. Lapwing and ducks
were the most obvious species. Trees had been removed from some parts to give
the waterfowl better fly zones. Through the village near the sea we walked
before heading uphill to view the whole area from higher ground. Lakes and
extensive areas of grassland. We walked back to where we had met by a railway
line with a small biological filter sewage works. There were two Water
Pipits [132] here, and a Chiff Chaff that looked pale; not pale enough to
be a Siberian though. With Greenshank nearby [133] and Fulmar
[134] flying along cliffs near St Catherine's Head, the day had been a
good one year list-wise with three new Green birds.
29.99 Miles 2224 feet elevation up & down
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