Thursday, 8 September 2022



Charity update :

This year's Biking Birder adventure is to try and raise money for my two favourite charities -

A few years back my favourite football team, Aston Villa had ACORNS emblazened on their shorts. I was so proud of being a fanatic supporter of a club that, instead of having some rubbish loan company, obscene betting company or other such business advert on their shirts, instead supported a local children's hospice, ACORNS. 

As a person who adores children and spent a career teaching children of all ages, it was a no-brainer for me to chose to support ACORNS during this, possible my final UK Biking Birder adventure.

I do so hope that you will help me raise as much as possible for this amazing children's hospice.

Donations : Acorns 

Many, many thanks to all who have donated this year . . . 

Kevin Clements, Darren at Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve, Stuart Taylor, Peter Disken, Mal Smith, Peter Lloyd, John Law, Mollie, Scott & six month old, Sulley, Bob, Mark, John, Rhianna, Keiran, Tina and Wayne, Graze cafe in Dunbar with Eilidh, Lucy & Lorraine, Mathieu another BIKING BIRDER! - ), Donald, The Woods family from Doncaster, Anne Beckett, Bill, Ian & Catherine, Andrea, Jay & Felix Maxwell, Steve & Jo, Tilly & Jim, John & Levi, Jo & Geoff, Dan Brown, Spurn Bird Observatory, Unicorn Diner in Long Sutton, Eliza Heath, Andy Pitt, Thomas, Libby & Peter, Anja Illmann, John the Scouser Williams, Faith (The Manea chip shop girl), Amy (The Canadian Green Birder), Sean Dempster, Andy R, Trevor, Phil, Linda & Bettina, Elsa Richter, Dave Hutton,Helen Hawke, Hollins Green Village Shop ladies, Shanahans Guest House in Aston, Birmingham, Sandi of Littledean Hotel in Cinderford, Beth Howells, Stuart Green, Judith Geraghty, Brenda Campbell, Paul Moseley, Alison Everett, Bill Unwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Anonymous, Lindsey Barthorpe, Julie, Sue, Julie (Upton Warren), Ian "Seagulls" Morris, Larraine Tayleure, Andrew Bayes, Andy Pitt,Andrea, P & P, Moira, Jackie Griffiths, Bob, Keep U, Rosie, Jayne Grosvenor, Jane & Andy Revell, Louise, Stuart Griffiths, M & D Shaw, Dave & Sue White, Janette Lowndes, Bart, Lise Hanson, Maria Hill, Phil V, Chris Elmer, Sue Murphy, Nicky, John Hague, Mike, Kimberley Bills, Norma Hines, Rob Gilbert, Julia, Colin Graham, Sarah Moreton, Lizzy, Lisa Hillier, Rob Leech, & P.

And also many thanks to the person from Llandudno who sent money directly to Acorns Children's Hospice, stating 'The Biking Birder' in the letter. Brilliant! Thanks. 

Acorns Children's Hospice 

Total so far . . . 



As for environmental charities, my support for them is because I worry about the future for our children. Climate Change issues need to be addressed and whilst I support many environmental charities, the one that does more work in the UK than any other is the RSPB.

Please make a donation via my Justgiving page - 

As for the above, Pin badges are available from me as I cycle and bird along.

Stop me and BUY ONE!

or ten.

Donations : RSPB 

Many, many thanks to . . . 

Kevin Clements, Darren from Blacktoft Sands RSPB reserve, Stuart Taylor, Terri Akers, Jamie, Vana Chadwick, Bob, Mark, John, Rhianna, Kieran, Tina and Wayne, GRAZE - a cafe in Dunbar with Eilidh, Lorraine and Lucy, Steve & Jo and The Woods family from Doncaster, Ric n Jo, Bill, Catherine and Ian, Jim & Tilly with their sons, Jonathan & Levi, Maria Hill, Ann, Jo & Geoff, Dan Brown, Spurn Bird Observatory, Unicorn Diner in Long Sutton, Lesley G, Sean Dempster, Amy (The Amazing Canadian Green Birder), Dawn Balmer, Bethany & Peter, Phil and Linda Cooper, Bettina dn 9-year old Thomas, Lizzy Bradbury, Jo & Gaynor,Tom Jackson, Ptolomey McKinnon, Pam & Malcolm, Faye & John, Paul Sharpe, Tony Barter, Trevor from Boston, P & P (again!). Anne, David Hilliard, Oriel, Louise Bailey, Sandi of Littledean Hotel in Cinderford, Stuart Green, Judith Geraghty, Lynn, Bill Unwin, Lee & Cathy Gregory, Sean (Liverpool), Lindsey Moore, Julia, Nicky M, Karen and Richard Blackburn, Paul Moseley, Susan, Jim Royer, Anonymous, Foz, anonymous, Phil (Upton Warren), Dad and RSPB Badges sold, P & P, Moira, Jill from Dorking, Nicky M, Terri Akers, Anne Beckett, Maria Hill, Mark Carter, P

Gary's RSPB Justgiving page link

Total so far . . . 

£1535 plus gift aid

All my love and many thanks to everyone.


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Biking Birder I February 18th 2010

  18th February 2010  Windy Miller  Camberwick Green   Out to Garston Wood in Wiltshire, reached via the back roads through rain varying...