Saturday, 11 June 2016

The Lads - Albert the Albatross

People look at my bike and smile at the collection of 'friends' I have on it. There is a reason for each and over the next few weeks I am going to introduce you to each character and explain why they travel with me. They provide so mu inspiration and although sadly any conversation with them is one way, I wouldn't be without them.

The Lads on the Bike – (1) Albert the Albatross

The original Albert the Abatross was given to the amazing Mya.Rose Craig aka birdgirl.

Have a look at her blog for details on her birding life. A birding superstar.

Back in 2010 when Mya.Rose was seven years old, I met her with Mum and Dad, Helena and Craig and over an evening meal together I asked Mya.Rose which was her favourite bird. The confident answer of 'black-browed albatross' was a surprise. I had one, like now, on the front of my bike and so he had to go. She still has him.

I got another one for the rest of 2010 and gave it away to another incredible young nature lover who birds Upton Warren WWT reserve, Birder Gladys, Mary.

On January the first last year Mary was there for my start, once more at Upton Warren with her father Tim and other Upton regulars. She brought Albert with her to give to me for the journey. He took his place on the front of my bike and is still there.

Albert is a symbol of the incredibly successful Save the Albatross campaign.

Please access the following web page to find out more:- 

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