Thursday, 3 March 2016

February 26th A Rdie to Hunstanton

Friday 26th February fresh N Sunny 5 to 7C

A day of cycling into Norfolk from Wisbech to get to Hunstanton along the side roads to avoid the very busy main road until Kings Lynn.
A couple of muntjacs are quietly walking beside a railway line.

The first attempt of what will probably be many attempts for the lone male golden pheasant at Wolferton is unsuccessful and a long walk over the adjacent heathland is beautiful but the woodlarks here last year haven't returned yet.

The amount of roadkill today is sad; muntjacs, hares, badger, fox, song thrush, collared dove, red-legged partridge and the most commonly seen squidged, pheasants. Car-nage!
A red-tailed bumblebee is on the floor and I am sure it appreciates it when I pick the sleepy creature up and put it onto a flower.

To the cliff edge at Hunstanton, the tide is at its lowest and huge sandbanks are out in The wash.

So the year list is still at 172, still nineteen ahead of this time last year.

32.80 Miles 993 elevation up 936 elevation down

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Biking Birder I February 18th 2010

  18th February 2010  Windy Miller  Camberwick Green   Out to Garston Wood in Wiltshire, reached via the back roads through rain varying...