Thursday, 6 March 2025

BIKING BIRDER I March 6th 2010 Truro Cathedral, Marazion RSPB Reserve and a Splendid Youth Hostel


6th March 2010 

Plastic People                              [Frank Zappa]

          The estuarine birds seemed to spend all night calling to each other and it came as a big surprise when I opened the flap of the tent to have a sprinkling of ice come down on me. It had not seemed that cold. I phoned my parents and laughed as my worrying mother warned me about the incoming tide. “Don't let it wash you away.”

          To Truro Cathedral I went and sat for a while listening to the organist practicing his pieces for evensong.

          Later in the afternoon I met the warden of Stithian's reservoir, Simon Taylor and Daniel Eva, a Cornish birder. I also saw a Water Rail in a place where they should not be, walking down the side of the road!

          I cycled to Marazion with the country road giving great views to the north and south Cornish coast. Along the road past St Michael's Mount, as wonderful and continental looking as ever. 

          Looking over Marazion RSPB Reserve from the coast road, I could see fields of polythene massed on the gentle hills behind and I wondered how long it would be before this area began to look like Almeria in Spain? Have a look on the satellite image for Almeria by using Google Maps and then realise that the white that you are looking at, that extends for miles in all directions from the Spanish city centre, is actually made of thousands of plastic greenhouses. It would be appalling to see the same sort of thing happen here. I have always wondered as we, whilst I'm on the subject, how much of the plastic sheeting covering fields gets left to pollute the land.

           In the dark of the evening I reach Penzance Youth Hostel, which turned out to be the most luxurious yet with deep pile carpets and refurbished rooms.

36.3 miles

2,287 feet up        2,149 feet down


Wednesday, 5 March 2025

BIKING BIRDER I March 5th 2010 Another Day at The Eden Project, Cornwall SHOOTING STARS NEVER STOP


5th March

Welcome to The Pleasuredome

[Frankie Goes to Hollywood]


          Well, I went back in and spent most of the day there. What a fabulous place and what would I give to live in a rainforest biome and see the butterfly and bird species that such a place would have. I was so glad that I camped there. This had allowed me to have a longer time there.

Later in the day I had to cycle towards Truro and set up camp beside the Fal Estuary, about two miles before the famous cathedral city. 

          A beautiful calming sunset coloured the smooth estuarine water a fiery orange as Greenshank, Curlew and Redshank fed along the water’s edge. As darkness enveloped me, Tawny Owls hooted the love songs to each other, I settled deep into my sleeping bag and left the front flap open to watch the encroaching tide and the darkening, soon to be star-filled night sky. A Little Egret came close to my tent as the tide came in. No, not into my tent! Luckily for me the tide stopped just short.

15.3 miles

899 feet up           1,109 feet down

"Welcome To The Pleasuredome"

The world is my oyster........
Ha ha ha ha ha........

The animals are winding me up
The jungle call
The jungle call

Who-ha who-ha who-ha who-ha

In Xanadu did Kublai Khan

A pleasuredome erect
Moving on keep moving on-yeah
Moving at one million miles an hour
Using my power
I sent it by the hour
I have it so I'm mocking it
You really can afford it-yeah
Really can afford it

Shooting stars never stop
Even when they reach the top
Shooting stars never stop
Even when they reach the top


There goes a supernova
What a pushover-yeah
There goes a supernova
What a pushover


[1]-We're a long way from home
Welcome to the Pleasuredome
On our way home
Going home where lovers roam
Long way from home
Welcome to the Pleasuredome

Moving on
Keep moving on

I will give you diamonds by the shower
Love your body even when it's old
Do it just as only I can do it
And never ever doing what I'm told

Keep moving on
Got to reach the top

Don't stop
Pay love and life-oh my
Keep moving on
On again-yeah

Shooting stars never stop
Shooting stars never stop

Shooting stars never stop
Even when they reach the top
There goes a supernova
What a pushover


[Repeat 1]

Who-ha who-ha
Welcome to the Pleasuredome

WELCOME........ha ha ha ha ha........

Long way from home

BIKING BIRDER I March 6th 2010 Truro Cathedral, Marazion RSPB Reserve and a Splendid Youth Hostel

  6 th  March  2010  Plastic People                               [Frank Zappa]           The estuarine birds seemed to spend all night call...