Monday, 21 March 2022

BIKING BIRDER VI March 14th Cycle to The Wyre Forest, Worcestershire


          On the road again early doors, it is foggy and cold. The aim of the day is to see Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in an old patch of mine from the 1980s, The Wyre Forest west of Bewdley, Worcestershire.

          The route takes me through the village of Belbroughton and I take a road towards Worcester to a lane just outside Kidderminster, where Corn Buntings have been seen.

          Foggy and cold, no sound from any Corn Buntings and no views either, I carry on twards Bewdley as the sun begins to birn off the haze.

          Taking a cycle path to avoid the busy roads of Kidderminster, I stop for a natter with a dog walker and a Chiff Chaff starts singing nearby, bird number 137 for the BIGBY list.

          Cycling along the riverbank of the River Severn north of Bewdley, I come across another Chiff Chaff chiffing his head off!


           After waiting at the wrong place to meet a local birder and friend, Craig Reed, I find him along the old railway line and together we search the forest for the target bird.

          Actually we hear one almost immediately but seeing the little blighter proves difficult and in the four hours or so that we walk around the forest, we only get a view of one flying through the Oak canopy. Still having seen it and heard it, onto the BIGBY bird list Lesser Spotted Woodpecker goes with the hope of better views on another day.

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